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States, congratulated everyone who played a role in sending National Board reports to delegates prior to the convention. Ulana Kekish (Branch 123, New York) suggested that UNWLA mothers take a more proactive role in recruiting their daughters into the organization. Julia Kokorudz, president of Branch 29 of Chicago, suggested that the UNWLA consider starting a foster parent program in Ukraine. Citing the countless number of children "growing up on the streets," she pointed out that the UNWLA might be instrumental in pairing abandoned or orphaned children with responsible, kind-hearted adults that could not easily undertake the challenge of foster parenting without financial assistance. While most delegates were enthusiastic about the Ukrainian Museum and very supportive of its mission, Anna Jejna (Branch 47, Northern New York) asked that the Museum curtail excessive and expensive mailings of invitations, promotions, and other notification of events. Iryna Rakush (Branch 17, Miami) expressed some concern about transferring archival information to the Immigration History Research Center in Minne sota rather than keeping them locally and exhibiting them within the communities where they were import ant mementos of local Ukrainian-American history. Many of these discussions continued over lunch, which was a tasty and healthy salad topped with grilled chicken. The convention committee is to be commended for encouraging everyone to meet someone new by having all delegates and guests pick their table numbers from a box. This ensured an interesting mix of regions and ages at every table. Those attending were treated to an interesting program that began with a piano performance by Orest Lazor and continued with a fashion show. Yesterday and Today, featured antique Ukrainian cut work and embroidery in contemporary fashion, designed and created by Irena Radzykewycz. After opening remarks by Branch 56 President Orysia Swystun, the models and their stunning outfits were introduced by Larissa Shpon. Each guest was presented with an elegant program featuring the artistic efforts of artist/photographer Lydia M. Swystun and artistic designer Lidia Bilous. The afternoon session, conducted by Iwanna Martynetz, began with a report from Vice President Sophia Hewryk on branch reports submitted to UNWLA headquarters and on donations collected by branches for the Ukrainian Museum, for Social Wel fare programs, and for the Scholarship Fund. The next item on the agenda was a report from author Svitlana Kocherha who has recently completed Lysty TakDovhu Ydut a book created from 16 boxes of recently discovered letters penned by Lesya Ukrainka to friends and family. Hidden for fifty years, the letters were found by library workers in Prague who notified Dr. Joanna Ratych of their existence. Dr. Ratych was determined that this treasure must be compiled into a book. She donated $10,000 to the project, and the UNWLA established a committee to find a suitable scholar who would undertake writing the book and complete it as quickly as possible. The materials were entrusted to the capable hands of Svitlana Kocherha, who worked tirelessly to accompl ish this monumental task. The book has been published - copies were available for purchase at the convention. Ms. Korchaha spoke about her work at Yalta's Lesya Ukrainka Museum - work that was filled by enchanting thoughts of the poetess who spent 1000 days and nights in this Crimean city. "When the request came to work on the letters and create a book," she said, "I thought I was dreaming. But in every letter, I felt a heartbeat ... the pulse of the author. It unfolded before me and it will remain with me forever." During the weekend, Ms. Kocherha gracio usly autographed copies of the book for guests and delegates. Next on the program was conferring of the title Honorary Member on several UNWLA members in recognition of long and exemplary service to the organization: Lesya Goy, Lidia Hladkyj, Teodozia Kushnir, Lidia Magun, Nadia Sawczuk, and Iwanna Szkarupa. The title Honorary Member was also bestowed upon WFUWO President Oksana Sokolyk, "for her visible and multi-faceted work on behalf of Ukrainian women everywhere." Elections for the next three-year term fol lowed, and the slate prepared by the nominating committee was unanimously approved. Iryna Kuro wyckyj was elected for a second term as president. She will be assisted in her work by Vice Presidents Maria Tomorug, Sophia Hewryk, Oxana Farion, and Motria Voyevidka-Slonievsky. The new administration of the UNWLA also includes the following: Recording Secretary Marta Danyluk, Correspondence Secretaries Iwanna Hankevych (Ukrainian) and Christina Yarema (English), Financial Secretary Nadia Cwiach, Trea surer Melanie Hrybovych, Press Chair Kateryna Nemyra, Members-at-Large Martha Bohachevsky Chomiak and Iryna Steckiw, Scholarship Fund Chair Maria Polanska, Social Welfare Chair Barbara Bachynsky, Education Chair Kateryna Iwasyshyn, Archives Chair Olha Trytyak, Culture/Museum Chair Maria Pazuniak, and Ecology Chair Marta Yaro- sewych. The new Auditing Committee includes Joanna Ratych, Nadia Shmigel, Renata Zajac, Lida Zakrevska, and Chrystyna Melnyk. (To be continued) Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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