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16 WWW.UNWLA.ORG “НАШЕ ЖИТТЯ”, СІЧЕНЬ 2017 The New Year brings us an opportunity to per- sonally contemplate on the previous year as well as to project into the coming year, to set goals, to make resolutions. This process can also be very relevant for an organization such as the UNWLA. Whereas New Year’s resolutions are always laughed at as a promise made to be “broken,” I will dare to make a resolution for our organiza- tion, for myself, and for our membership for 2017, with a fervent and optimistic hope that the resolu- tion will be acted upon and kept. As a preamble to this resolution, I begin by inviting you to read the summary of the UN- WLA’s work since the Maidan in 2013 included in the “thank you” montages on pages 2 and 3 of this month’s issue of Our Life . These pages illustrate our momentous efforts and were sent for publica- tion to the Ukrainian community press during this Christmas season as the Executive Board de- cided to publicly thank our supporters as well as our membership for supporting these amazing and extremely effective projects! Events in Ukraine have driven UNWLA projects since the organization’s inception; the same driving princi- pal is in force today, and the UNWLA is now rec- ognized in Ukraine as a generous, respected, and very effective organization. My proposed resolution is for each of us to commit to becoming a goodwill ambassador for the UNWLA. In doing so, we can each become a reflection of our most recent accomplishments as listed in our thank you ad and supported by our 90 year history. Our accomplishments are the product of many individual and joint endeavors, and part of the commitment is to remember that UNWLA representatives contribute their talents and voice the UNWLA’s support of human rights and humanitarian positions at the United Na- tions, at the National Council of Women, to our U.S. Congressmen and Senators, to the World Congress of Ukrainians, to the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations, and else- where as needed. Our strength lies in our mem- bership’s participation in all of the above, and that participation includes our identity as good will ambassadors, sharing our work with the dias- pora and beyond. Back in March 2015, UNWLA Branch 136’s newly elected president Natalie Santarsiero, at one of the branch’s first meetings, emphasized to the gathering of members and potential mem- bers the importance of who we are and what we do. Among other things, she noted the following [excerpted and paraphrased]: “. . . perhaps they do not know or do not appreciate the prestige and fine reputation of our organization . . . that this organization was founded in NYC in 1925 by 5 Ukrainian women’s organizations! To- day, our membership extends from East Coast to West Coast, from North to South. We are welcomed in the White House and in the United Nations. We founded one of the best, if not THE best ethnic mu- seum in the entire US! We fund a Women's Studies Lectureship at the Ukrainian Catholic University. Our Scholarship Program has educated thousands of students throughout the world! Yes, at this time we are very much preoccupied with the events in Ukraine. The UNWLA has put forth tremendous moral and financial support, but our effort is small in comparison to billions of dollars of foreign aid being sent to Ukraine by many countries. Ukraine must help itself and stop the corruption! . . . We must continue to work here in the diaspora to keep our Ukrainian identity and culture alive. Throughout the centuries, Ukraine has lived through so much strife, not to mention geograph- ical shifts and occupations by other countries. It is awe-inspiring that we have maintained our na- tional identity, culture and heritage!!! That is what makes us, Ukrainians, and this is so special ! In joining the UNWLA, one becomes part of the 90- year old legacy!! We commemorate our past and celebrate our future!” Clearly, Ms. Santarsiero is a UNWLA goodwill ambassador. And given the work I have witnessed in other branches and among other members, there are many other goodwill ambas- sadors in our ranks. Today, we invite all of our members to join the prestigious ranks of UNWLA ambassadors! And why stop at one resolution, when we can achieve so much more? Another resolution that we hope to fulfill is to work together to dis- cover potential projects focusing on our member- ship and diaspora here in the United States. We invite our branches and our regional councils to discuss this topic and to communicate with us as we prepare for the XXXI UNWLA Convention! We welcome your ideas and input!
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