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Exhibit at the “Old World’s Market,” Nov, 1947, in Detroit, Mich. In charge Ukrainian Junior League, Branch 61 UNWLA. Standing left to right: Olga Buhaj, Lottie Koskowsky, Ann Pyndyh, Frances Osasko, Sophie Pytroczko, seated Ann Mikula. Mildred Milanowych Your Share in the Coming Congress If you believe thait the coming Congress of Ukrainian Women, to be held on October 1st in Phi ladelphia can play a timely and important part in the present precarious destiny of the Ukrain ian nation, If you believe that the Con gress s of Ukrainian Women, by giving a true picture of the Uk rainian Question to the powerful women’s world, can perform a valuable service to- true democ racy — democracy in the Lin- coIn-American Sense, If you believe that Ukrainian women in their «Communist domi* natfed*'* native land -need- your voice to speak for them, If you 'believe that Ukrainian women have the right to share in the development of the centu ries-old ideals of freedom and liberty,. If you believe that the tradi tional courage, understanding, sympathy, and charity of women, when Irarnessed to the ingenuity, intelligence and efficiency of mo dern women can accomplish much for the present Ukrainian crisis; And if, speaking as a true daughter of Ukraine, you be lieve, “That for'the destiny of millions, You must give an account/’ “Що за долю мілі'О'Нів, мусиш дати Ти од віт” Franko. Then you will be planning your own personal part, in the coming Congress of Ukrainian Women. Will you make it succssful? How successful the Congress will be, will depend upon the concerted action of the Ukrain ian women’s clubs and commu nities. The more successful are the preparations in each club, by cach individual member, the more gains can be won on Octo ber 1st, when Ukrainian women go on stage before the eyes of the world. So — as a matter of self-pride, every woman and girl of Ukrainian descent will see to it that that world appearance .casts th,e proper proud deflection, baok on herself. Where to start? At your local women’s club, of course, be it Sodality( Sister- ! hood, Junior League, social, poli tical, sports, or knitting, and sewing clubs. The Powerful Influence of Women What can the cluib do? Gain the attention of the local Amer- j ican women’s clubs and the local press. In the first place, both Indus try and Politics of this country have long recognized the fact that the influence of women is one of the most potent forces in the United States. They both know that women’s groups, large and small, throughout the coun try, can exert a powerful influ ence on issues which confront all citizens and that this action is vital to democracy. Knowledge .on the Ukrainian question is vi tal to keeping that democracy safe for Americans. Therefore, it is important that accurate in formation on Ukraine arid Uk rainians be made available to lo cal and national women’s groups as well as other organizations. Does this give you an idea for club projects? For providing lit erature on Ukraine and Ukrain ians ; for issuing invitations to these groups to participate in public discussions on, Ukraine, to exhibits, to sales of Ukrainian Easter eggs? Let the local news papers know what you are doing, every time. Your Particular Talent As delegate Several among the memlbers of each club will be honored by be ing chosen as delegates. Besides its entailing qualifications, its duties, and obligations, being a delegate requires the special tal ent of always presenting the best qualities to the public, of the people she represents. It requires study, preparation and thought. As executives In her capacity as home-mak- er, American woman has devel oped her executive capabilities : and talents to a high degree, and is world-famed for it. Ukrainian American women can lend these special executive talents to fur thering the success of the Con gress in various ways. The Sec- retary-Treasurer type can plan projects to help finance the de legates’ trip and cover the costs of the Congress. When so much is at stake at a World Congress of Ukrainian Women, that is no time to pinch pennies, it is a time when to be generous is to be practical. The Manager type of woman, can plan work, assigning jobs to each mo-st fitted to them. She can schedule the work, getting most done with ^minimum eort and will not forget to give time for pure fun. She will plan far enough in advance to insure complete success at the Con gress. The Public Relations Director will play a very important part in the coming Congress activi ties — either preliminary or ac tual. It is her duty to keep the і local press informed of all events concerning the Congress. On her personal siuocess in persuading her local newspapers to run news or feature articles on Ukraine and Ukrainians, local and na tional, depends much of the suc cess of the entire Congress. Lo cal interest inspires national and world interest. Last buit not least, the active member of each club or organi zation can do much to insure the success of the Congress. Mere ly by being active and encourag ing, a member is doing her share. How active is the member, so active is the club, and so suc cessful is the Congress. There is SO' much to be done, but it can be done, if we start now. DETROIT, MICH. Ukrainian Junior League, Branch 58, UNWLA Junior Branch 58, Olena Teli- ha, of Detroit, was organized in June, 1947 and in seven months of existence has proven to have successfully followed the pattern of constructive activity set by the senior branches of the Soyuz Ukrainok. From the humble first step in presenting a tea introduc ing their charter members to memibers of other local branches, they progressed to larger under takings. In the club scrapbook is record ed the bingo party they sponsor ed netting a profit of $90.00; the lecture on Ukrainian history by the Ukrainian attorney, Mary V. Beck; the work in the Ukrainian booth ait the International Insti tute’s World Market; the show ing of the technicolor sound film on Ukrainian Christmas customs; the soliciting for contributions on Ukrainian Tag Day. In the me mory scrapbook are the recollec tions of the grand times the girls had in getting together weekly to embroider hankies and pin-cushions to sell at the World Market;_ the fun and -ex- I citement at the club Christmas parity; the enjoyable evenings at the World Market . meeting, dancing and singing with young people from other nationality groups. There are unpretentious but worthy plans for the future: a program honoring the late Olena Teliha, sending packages to Uk rainian students, abroad, learning to design Easter eggs, and. ar ranging further lectures on Uk rainian themes. The girls invest a bit of time, a little effort, a lot of enthusiasm and collect the dividends of as surance thalt they are contribut ing their share to the community as young Ukrainian Americans. O. Kachner, President.
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