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those of the President. T he clim ax of the m eeting; MONTH’S WASH THE 15th ANNIVERSARY OJF FILIA ^ THE OLD WORLD MARKET D e t r o i t / M ich.— The 1949 Fall -season, of .activities has set a ..sapid pace; for, .the U.N.W .L., Chapters; ,£js. луеГ1< as other groups.. Coneje r t s<, lect u re s.,-. an niversary, celebrations have bus ily crow ded w eek-ends, Badur- ist Chorus,. C on gress C om m ittee Program , G raduates 10,th A nni versary, National! A ssociation A nniversary, O peratic Groups debat concert,. and, the 15th A n niversary; .of; the .Ukrainian W o m ens' L eague affiliate f£Filia,” are but a few of the highlights. In. our fair city w e boast of sbmeMeight chapters of the U N - W L — som ’e:4oMf Lsom e: new , som e in-betw een insofar as! periods of thteir existence are concerned. In any ev en t!^: Coordinated work" am ong the chapters h a si beeii- 15th year of w ork O ctober 30. A n interesting program has been arranged by the members; of the Filia, w hich will be given in the E ast and W est side o f Detroit; It is gratifying indeed1 to know that the principle-at-; traction of these program s will be M adam e H. K isilevsky, one of the m ost prom inent and high ly regarded U krainian w om en o f'o u r tim es. H er devotion to th e developm ent of ukrainska zhinka in the fields of educa tion, political science, govern m ent, and social w ork has brought m any a significant m ile stone on the road to progress. V olum es could be w ritten on the w ork of this w onderful per sonality, but one w ill gain a w orld of know ledge and inspi ration to іust hear one talk by M adam e K isilevsky. * * sje O nce again, the yearly Old W orld M arket at the Interna tional1 Institute is practically upon us. Thus far U krainian w om en's clubs have not form u lated definite plans as to their participation in this project. H ow ever, one thing is certain that N ovem ber 17, .18, 19 and 20 the U krainian exhibit o f arts and crafts will take its place am ong the 32 nationality groups w hich participate in the Old W orld M arket. T he idea of serv ing U krainian baked goods is a w orthy one as it proved v ery successful last year. T he new ly arrived persons am ong our groups could greatly aid this phase of our participation as their tortes, and kolachi are prize m orsels to m elt the palates of kings. Stasia. MRS* ROOSEVELT CELEBRATES 65th BIRTHDAY M rs. E leanor R oosevelt, the m ost outspoken and controver sial First L ady in the history of the U nited States, celebrated her 65th birthday, O ctober 11. Tall, blue-eyed and gray-hair ed, she is still goin g strong and apparently sees no reason to stop,. M rs. R oosevelt w as First Lady of the U nited States for a little m ore than 12 years. In those 12 years she m ade her personality, opinions and activi ties alm ost as im portant as N ow a great-grandm other, a professional w riter and a U. S, delegate to the U nited N ations, M rs. R oosevelt retains h e r ! knack for m aking big, black headlines. D uring her * tenure in the W hite" H ouse, M rs. R oosevelt w as the subject of m any jokes and cartoons because o f her tireless travels and her habit of popping up unannounced in the • m ost inaccessible corners of the world. She is the only First Ladjy ever to* hold regularly scheduled new s conferences and to m erit personal coverage from n ew s paperw om en. The news' sh t m ade w as often as good as or better than that available in the presidential offices. She w as in the niewspapers so o ften during those years that she w as frequently editorially re- w ho “E leanor” w as. CLEVELAND, OHIO T he U krainian Junior W o m en’s L eague really started off with, a bang. W ith the begin ning o f a new term and a bal ance in the treasury tw o things happened. T he first w as the vir tual depletion of said treasury and the second being plans for the restoration of it to a heal thy condition. W e started our philanthropic gestures w ith a contribution of $25 to the U krainian D isplacel P ersons Fund here in Cleveland The problem of these people is very close to the .members of the club collectively as w ell as individually. W e had to give up our clulb room in the U krainian N ational H om e so that several fam ilies m ight have a place to live. The m em bers believe that rep resentation. at all national con ventions is very im portant, therefore, E stelle K not and B eg H usal w ere sent to Syracuse for thq convention of the U krainian Y outh’s L eague of No. A m er ica. This cost the club only $25 but it w as a good investm ent. Helen. M ural consented to rep resent the club at the conven- I tion of the Ukrainian C ongress C om m ittee on N ovem ber 5 and 6. W ith her H elen is taking a $25 check as our expression of the fine w ork the C ongress has done, and w e believe, will con tinue to do. T en dollars w as contributed to the building fund of St. P e ter and P aul’s Parochial and $60 to the Soyuz U krainok for the printing of the poem s of L essya U krainka. This w as in keeping w ith the club’s aim in propagating U krainian institu tions and culture. W ith the treasury on the verge of extinction, attention w as turned tow ard m aking plans for raising m oney to con tinue our operations. H elen Bu- dow anic suggested that w e m ake a June picnic an annual affair. It w as at the last one in June that w e w ere m ost successful. A dance som e tim eN this w inter w as tentatively decided upon but definite plans w ere m ade for a Cabaret N ight on T hanksgiv ing D ay. M eg H usal w as placed in charge. M ore about this next m onth. cam e w hen the president, Irene Trem bly, m ade- it know n that the senior group of- the Soyuz U krainok w as to^ have a lunch eon for the Bandurist Chorus on Satiirady afternoon, Oct. 1. The- junior branch w as asked to serve and act as hostesses. The m em bers w ho did not have to w ork on Saturday ’w ere fortun ate enough to m eet and talk to these artists w ho will certainly m ake a nam e fr them selves and the entire U krainian population here in Am erica. So' there' it is. From spending to" planning to serving all in one day. Oh y e s ! One m ore thing. It w as decided that an. article be sent- in each m onth by yours truly. Dot Mural. AKRON, OHIO N ew reporter for the A kron Jr. L eague is Alice Tkalec (M rs.). She reports the follow ing new s fro that sm all but en terprising city of A k ro n : The Ukrainian Jr^ ^League girls^starb. ed out their fepii ’-meetings^ in Septem ber w ith a /“spaghetti dinner.” T h e girls had the op portunity to talk over how they had spent their sum m er m onths. : M ost of the> talk w as about w eddings. O lga A ntonuk, one of our Jr. Leaguers, w as to be m arried'O ctober 8 and so all the girls w ere eager to hear of her plans. W e are happy over O lga’s m arriage but regret losing her as a m em ber; S h e will m ake her hom e in Cleveland. A fter dinner w e held a busi ness m eeting. T he new officers -took over. V irginia Pulk is our new president; Jennie Pulk is vice-president; Eva Zepko, re cording secretary, and Theresa Taras is treasurer. Jennie Pulk brought a su g g es tion to the m eeting w hich v feel will really stim ulate inter est in the club. She suggested w e buy a tablecloth to em broi der. Each tim e a girl attends a m eeting she is entitled to an other chance at w inning the tablecloth. In other words, the m ore m eetings a girl attends, the better her chance to win. the prize. W e intend to raffle it in the Spring. In the m eantim e, all o f the girls will em broider on it and a different girl will take it hom e each m onth to w ork on until the next m eeting. UKRAINIAN DISPLACED PERSONS C ongregations- of Displaced P ersons to be found in and around U krainian churches, and halls attests to the fact that at last our D P ’s are com ing in rapidly and in num bers. Of late, their im m igration in such large num bers has been causing quite a problem for U krainians in va rious cities. M any1 U krainian N ational H om es have taken on the appearance of crow ded D P cam ps of Europe. H ow ever, w ith the help of organizations such as Soyuz U krainok and the determ ination of enterprising people, these D isplaced Persons are gradually being settled in hom es. In Cleveland, business^ m en are taking tim e out from their businesses to apply for jobs at factories and restaurants for these people. A nn P yndyk of D etroit and her m other flew to L ong Island,. N ew Y ork, th e . m iddle .of 0 ‘cto- ’ ber to visit A nn’s brother who is in the N aval H ospital there. This w as A nn’s first flying ,e% , perience. * * * . Believing in p rom otm g^ i^ r- rainianism , H elen НогаЗШ §гоі;/ C leveland is busy thes^e^^fS''-inr doctrinating a form er Cleveland B row n’s Professional football player w ith the richness o.f our culture. * * * The A kron Jr. L eague gals send their best w ishes to Olga A ntonuk and H ow ard M ack on their approaching m arriage. * *. sjc G enevieve Zepko Zerebniak, another A kronite, m ade the headlines again recently. This tim e she w as instrum ental in the apprehension of several in ternational jew el, thieves. B e cause she becam e suspicious of a couple of “characters” w ho re quested tickets at U nited Air-.* lines for points anyw here, m en w ere finally caught after years of crim e and evasion from police all over the coun try. T hat’s “our” gal for you. * * * D etroit’s O lga K aschner re turned recently from a trip to California. * * * Sorry to report that I have not been over-run w ith letters in answ er to last m onth’s edit orial. SOYUZ UKRAINOK CONVENTION lit is not too early'to think in terms" of our convention whi-d. is com ing up next year. A t the last convention held in Phila delphia the representation on the part of Jr. L eague m em bers w as not too heartening. L et us start now to plan and to think! If w e can show our interest there is no reason w hy the Jr. L eague section of the L eague cannot have separate sessions at the C onvention to discuss and evaluate the problem s relating •directly to us. A long these sam e lines, to straighten the Jr. Leaigue it is necessary to en courage the grow th of m ore Jr. branches. Girls living in areas in close proxim ity to cities w here branches now exist un doubtedly could be easily inter ested in form ing a group affili ated w ith Soyuz U krainok that is, if the groups now in ex istence w ould place “organiza tion” on 4ts agenda. Editor’s address : Miss HelenMural 2330 Denison Avenue Cleveland 9, Ohio МИХАЙЛО; Ф; НАЄЕВИЧ Перший Український ПОГРЕБНИК на Фи л а делфію й околи цю MICHAEL F NASEVIQH ■ N.E. Coiv Franklin ;& Brown PHILADELPHIA, PA. Tek MARket 1320 Обслуга в день t: нйчі ^ carried on co m m itted by Filia, arid this ■is celebrating its ferred to as just Eleanor — and no one w as ever in doubt about Видання C оюзу Українок A мерики - перевидано в електронному форматі в 2012 році . A рхів C У A - Ню Йорк , Н . Й . C Ш A.
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