Ukrainian cuisine is a unique blend of rich and flavorful ingredients steeped in a long history of cultural traditions. From hearty soups and stews to savory dumplings and crispy potato pancakes, Ukrainian cuisine offers various delicious dishes that will surely tantalize the taste buds.
One of the most remarkable aspects of Ukrainian cuisine is how it has been preserved and shared over generations. The Ukrainian National Women’s League of America (UNWLA) has been vital in promoting and preserving Ukrainian cuisine by collecting, sharing, and publishing traditional Ukrainian recipes for nearly a century.
As part of this mission, the UNWLA began collecting and publishing Ukrainian recipes in its monthly magazine, Our Life. The magazine quickly became a trusted source of traditional Ukrainian recipes, providing readers with a glimpse into the rich culinary traditions of their ancestors.
Today, the UNWLA continues to promote Ukrainian cuisine and culture through various programs and initiatives. Through its ongoing efforts to translate the Our Life magazine into English, the UNWLA continues to make Ukrainian cuisine accessible to a broader audience, helping to promote and preserve this delicious and culturally significant cuisine.
Zurek: A Post-Easter Classic
Журек — післявеликодня класика Маріанна Душар, авторка кулінарного дослідницького [...]
Folded Shortbread Squares based on Solomiya Krushelnytska’s recipe
Квадратики [...]
Cherry Strudel Recipe
Вишневий струдель — різдвяна випічка Поділля Тамара Кучерова, Київ. [...]
Yavorivskyi Pie
Яворівський пиріг Маріанна Душар, авторка кулінарного дослідницького проєкту «Пані [...]
Mother’s Apple Pie
Торт «Яблуковий» (Мамці) Іванка Міліянчук (Ivanka Miliyаnchuk), [...]
Kyiv Torte
Kyiv Torte Ludmyla Barchuk, Kyiv This dessert is easy [...]
Marigold Cake
Торт «Чорнобривці» Юлія Стець-Грещук (Stets Hreshchuk), [...]