Providing moral support to elderly women who have no family continues to be an ongoing effort.

The UNWLA has made a concerted effort (through its representatives in Ukraine) to send out personal Christmas and Easter greetings with small financial gifts to elderly women throughout Ukraine.

Our branches in the United States have also been reaching out to such women in their own communities.

April 2019

This year, the UNWLA sent Easter greetings to 519 elderly women in need across all regions of Ukraine. These women are members of the All-Ukrainian Society of Political Prisoners and Repressed People.  Many are also members of the Ukrainian Women’s League of Ukraine. Each woman received a personal greeting from the UNWLA and a small financial gift.

The All-Ukrainian Society of Political Prisoners and Repressed People is a community organization formed on June 3, 1989 with chapters in most Oblasts.  It started with 100 people who, during their lifetime, had been repressed and deprived of their liberty (in prisons, concentration camps, exile) for their political, religious and national beliefs. Today it has grown to over 3,000 people.  The mission of the Society is to work towards the establishment and development of a self-governing, democratic Ukrainian state.  It also provides material assistance to its members.

The UNWLA donated $10,000 towards this year’s Easter Babusi Project.

How to help:

Reach out to this elderly population in your own community and/or contribute to our “Fund Babusi” to ensure that the UNWLA can continue with this worthy project in Ukraine and the US.

Since 2015, $27,500 has been gifted to the elderly