Adv 101 | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America

Ukraine needs your regular and continuous advocacy! 

With US funding dwindling, our community must organize and advocate to ensure that  Ukraine has the means necessary to protect itself, to keep its citizens safe, and to liberate occupied territories. 

What can you do? 

Call your Representative or Senator. This is the fastest and most-effective advocacy technique available to you as a constituent.  

Call any time – day or night. Whether you talk to a staffer or leave a voice message, it will be included in a daily tally that goes to your representative or senator. 

In less than 5 minutes, your voice can make a difference. 

Follow this step-by-step guide to walk you through everything 

Find your Elected Officials & their contact information here:  

Write down the telephone numbers for your two (2) senators, & your one (1) House Representatives.  

Plan your message and rehearse what you are going to say.  

It may make sense to write out your message before your call.     

Here is the current advocacy priority

When you call the office, include your address, zip code & name. Here is an example how to structure your message:

My name is Lesya Ukrainka. I live in New York. My zip code is 10003. I am a constituent of Senator Franko. I would like to thank Senator Franko for his continuous support of Ukraine and ask him to support [your current ask] for Ukraine. [Explain why this issue is crucial to the U.S. and Ukraine]. This issue is very important to me, and I am asking Senator Franko to keep supporting Ukraine. Thank you!

Our current ask:

“Russia has escalated the severity of attacks on Ukraine’s critical infrastructure, putting the lives and wellbeing of millions of Ukrainian citizens in danger. I am asking you to do everything you can to ensure that the U.S. administration lifts any existing restrictions on Ukraine’s ability to utilize U.S.-provided military aid.“

1- Share your advocacy activity online and offline with your community, encouraging them to call and email their elected representatives.

2- Organize Phone-a-Thon with your community. It proved to be very effective and helps those who still don’t feel brave enough to call. Here are detailed instructions.

ADVOCATE. Your Story 6 | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America

 If you need more information, guidance and support in the advocacy process, please join our Facebook group UNWLA Advocacy