flood fundraiser for website | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America

Early in the morning of June 6, russian occupying forces destroyed the Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine, unleashing a flood that threatens to destroy 80 villages and towns. The flood has also caused a catastrophic humanitarian and ecological disaster. The Kherson region is home to many endemic plants and animals native to that region, and the dam’s destruction means an unprecedented environmental crisis.

Tens of thousands of people are displaced or awaiting rescue. So yet again, we find ourselves compelled to act swiftly and assist those in desperate need.

Immediate Action Required

Our partners in Ukraine are already on the ground, providing aid where it is most needed. However, the scale of this disaster continues to grow with each passing minute. To address the urgent needs of the people affected, we implore you to step forward and support our efforts to deliver water pumps, water purification tablets, food parcels, hygiene kits, and generators to the areas most impacted by the flood.

616ebce1 5836 4eb5 8f4a 23a2d961ec76 | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America

How You Can Help

There are immediate actions you can take to make a difference:

  1. Advocate: Reach out to your elected representatives and the President to express your outrage and concern over Russia’s actions. Remind them that these actions violate Article 56 of the Additional Protocol to the Geneva Convention.
  2. Educate: Continue sharing information about the devastating impact of the russian terrorist war on Ukraine. Highlight how it affects ordinary people like us, our elderly grandparents, small children, and animals.
  3. Cultivate Media Accuracy: Monitor media reports and address any erroneous information or biased narratives about Ukraine. Reach out to editors or individuals responsible for the content, helping them cultivate a more accurate and balanced understanding of the situation. Here’s our step-by-step guide how to write an op-ed.
  4. Care: Show your empathy and solidarity by donating for immediate assistance to Ukraine flood survivors. Your contributions will directly impact the lives of those who have lost everything and desperately need support.

Donate to Support Relief Efforts

The situation in Ukraine demands immediate attention and action from all of us. By coming together, we can offer a lifeline to the survivors of this devastating flood. Let us continue to advocate, educate, cultivate accurate narratives, and care for one another during this challenging time.

Our dedicated partners in Ukraine are already on the ground, working tirelessly to provide immediate aid to those in need. However, the number of displaced individuals continues to rise, leaving us with a pressing need for your support. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these affected communities.

Water Relief: By contributing to our fundraiser, you can help us provide essential water pumps and water purification tablets to ensure access to clean drinking water. This will prevent the outbreak of waterborne diseases and save countless lives.

Food Assistance: Your generous donations will enable us to distribute vital food parcels to families who have lost everything. These provisions will provide sustenance and nourishment during their time of need.

Hygiene Kits: Hygiene is a fundamental necessity, particularly during a crisis. Your support will help us deliver hygiene kits, including essential items such as soap, towels, and sanitary products, ensuring the health and well-being of those affected.

Power Restoration: The destruction of the dam has resulted in widespread power outages. We urgently require generators to bring back electricity to hospitals, shelters, and critical facilities. Your contribution will make a significant impact in restoring normalcy to these communities.

 Your donation will directly support the delivery of crucial aid items, providing hope and relief to those who have lost everything. Together, we can rebuild lives and restore hope in the wake of this devastating disaster.
