We asked, they delivered! Now it’s time to thank them! UNWLA ladies are known for their personal touch – and it’s an opportunity to show our gratitude and grace. 

How to Thank Your Elected Representatives:

Step 1: Find your representatives at this link. 

  • You will be thanking 4 government officials – two Senators, One House Rep and the President. 
  • Put in your address and you will see your representatives. Their phone number and website will be listed.  If you would like to send them a letter or an email, their physical address and email address are listed on their website.
    • Please contact them via Telephone, Letter or email. Telephone and hard copy letter preferred.  
  • White House Contact Information:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20500
Phone: 202-456-1111

Step 2: Check this document to see how your representative voted and if they are in the Ukraine Caucus.   

  • Thank them only for what they did! If they didn’t vote for a specific bill, please omit the bill number from your thank you note.  You can also use this as an opportunity to engage them on why they did not vote for this bill.
  • If they are in the Caucus, thank them. If they aren’t, make sure to ask them to join.

Step 3: Get to thanking!

  • Now is the time to reach out and make sure that your representatives understand how much we value their support! We’ve included a sample letter and talking points so you can easily thank your representatives who have supported Ukraine in its time of need. 

Please add your own personal touch.  If you are sending the letter in the mail, please sign it by hand and a quick note, or phrase.  Options include: “Дякую!”, “Слава Україні!/ Slava Ukraini”, or just “Thanks!”