Your local library is the perfect platform to share information about Ukraine’s contributions to the world of literature, science, and art and to promote cultural exchanges between Ukraine and your community. Organizing events and exhibits featuring Ukrainian authors, artists, and scholars can help foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of Ukraine’s heritage and contemporary society. In preparation for National Library Week (April 23-29), we offer tools to advocate, educate and cultivate through your local library. Here are three ways you can do it!

1. Request Ukrainian Books & Books about Ukraine

The advocacy committee has put together a comprehensive toolkit to walk you through requesting books.  It includes a step-by-step guide, suggested reading lists and appeal letters.

2. Keep Ukrainian Books Circulating

Books not checked out in over a year often get pulled and sold.  Coordinate branch members and other members of the Ukrainian community to checkout Ukrainian books and keep them in circulation. Keep a record of the books you checked out during the year! 

3. Organize an Exhibit Related to Ukraine

Many of our members already work with their local libraries to organize exhibits of Ukrainian culture and history.   Most public libraries have various options for exhibiting photographs, posters, and other items.  Aim for at least one or two library exhibits per year.

The Pysanky Display is at the main branch of the Clearwater FL library. Display arranged by our Branch president Irene Badiak. | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America
Photo: The Pysanky Display is at UNWLA Branch 124 of the Clearwater, FL, library. The display was arranged by our Branch president, Irene Badiak.

4. Offer to host Ukraine-related Events and Programs

Public libraries are always looking for programming, whether it’s a children’s story hour or an adult event.  These events are a great way to introduce Ukraine’s unique culture, history, and creativity to our local American communities. 

library reading kids | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America