staczkiw scholarship | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America

Two exceptional women have been selected as recipients of the 2023 UNWLA Eva Staszkiw Memorial Scholarship: Andriyana Baran from Ukraine and Maria Kulchyckyj from the U.S.  

Andriyana completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Ukrainian Language and Literature at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, followed by a Master’s Degree in the same with a focus on Applied Linguistics.  Andriyana is currently pursuing a Graduate Program at the University of Kansas (Lawrence, USA) in language acquisition and culture studies.  She has participated in exchange programs and teaching internships in Ukraine and Poland and was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship along with teaching assistantship at the University of Kansas for a previous program.  Andriyana has discovered that there is “a giant need” to familiarize the world with Ukrainian culture, which has been in the shadow of Russian culture for centuries.  Thus she is focusing more on culture studies in order to become an expert who can explain and promote Ukraine to the world.  Andriyana describes it best:  “I have a goal to become an expert and to speak up spreading interest in Ukrainian studies and educating people.  My presence in the field would be my weapon in this war.  I believe that I should never stay silent about who I am (Ukrainian) and I should continue to raise awareness about Ukraine, its history and culture anywhere I go.”

Maria grew up as an active member of the Ukrainian-American community in Washington, D.C.  She completed her Bachelor’s degree magna cum laude in International & Global Studies and Health: Science, Society and Policy at Brandeis University in Waltham, MA, and is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.  Maria’s extensive studies and work experience have provided her with a strong background in Public Health, and her goal is “to formulate public policy to help people live healthier, safer, and financially prosperous lives.”  Maria has received honors and awards for participating in various activities, including data collection for public health research and fundraising.  “I am pursuing a Master of Public Policy degree to understand better how to spread the benefits of democracy and bring necessary resources to those in need through the making of public policy so that future generations of Ukrainians can live in a more secure, prosperous, and healthier environment.”

The UNWLA congratulates these impressive women and wishes them success in their academic and professional pursuits!