The Ukrainian National Women’s League of America successfully held its XXXIII National Convention from September 13-15, 2024, in Parsippany, NJ, marking an important milestone in the organization’s ongoing efforts to support and develop the next generation of leaders and build strategic resolutions for the further advancement of its mission. As the main governing body of the organization, the convention serves as a critical platform where key decisions are made, leadership is elected, and strategic plans are established.

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Group photo of all delegates of the XXXIII Convention

Day 1: A Grand Opening – Friday, September 13, 2024

The convention opened on Friday with registration at the Sheraton Parsippany, where members and delegates arrived to warm greetings and reconnections. After the initial meeting of the National Board, the opening ceremony commenced with a processional march of regional councils, video presentations of the National President Natalie Pawlenko and other key members. The ceremony included the lighting of the traditional Tree of Life, symbolizing the strength and unity of the UNWLA.

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UNWLA Honorary President Iryna Kurowyckyj lights up the symbolic Tree of Life

Video presentation by the UNWLA President Natalie Pawlenko

One of the highlights of the first day was a compelling presentation titled “Advocacy and the UNWLA” by Marianna Tretiak, the first National Advocacy Committee Chair at the UNWLA and Chair of the Board of the American Coalition for Ukraine. She emphasized the critical role the organization plays in advocating for Ukraine on an international stage, inspiring attendees to continue their efforts in supporting Ukraine through strategic action.

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Pictured Marianna Tretiak speaking at the Convention

The evening concluded with a cocktail hour and dinner, during which H.E. Oksana Markarova, Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States, delivered a keynote address. Her speech reinforced the strong impact of UNWLA’s advocacy efforts and humanitarian help to Ukraine, leaving a lasting impression on all present. Oksana Makarova pointed out that the UNWLA is one of the oldest and most respected Ukrainian organizations in America as it approaches its 100th anniversary.  UNWLA has implemented thousands of charitable, cultural, and educational projects and advocates for the interests of Ukraine at many levels. She said she was glad to see so many young women among the participants at the Convention.  She was inspired by women’s strength, energy, and zeal to continue the fight for justice and peace for Ukraine and for just punishment for russian criminals.  

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H. E. Oksana Markarova with the Convention delegates

Ambassador Markarova became the first recipient of the “Spirit of Ukraine” award established by the UNWLA. 

Her Excellency Ambassador Oksana Markarova has been at the forefront of strengthening Ukraine’s international relations since her appointment as the Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States in 2021. Her remarkable career also includes her tenure as Ukraine’s Minister of Finance, where she co-authored the nation’s macroeconomic revival program and led initiatives that enhanced fiscal transparency and economic stability. Markarova’s steadfast leadership and advocacy have been pivotal in advancing Ukraine’s interests on the world stage, making her a worthy recipient of this prestigious award.

Pictured on the right: UNWLA President Natalie Pawlenko and H.E. Oksana Markarova with “Spirit of Ukraine” award

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Day 2: Leadership and Progress – Saturday, September 14, 2024

The second day opened with a plenary session focused on key organizational duties, including the election of the National Board Officers and the Audit Committee. These proceedings ensured the future leadership of the UNWLA remains committed and effective.

The first plenary session of the day ended with a film of our beautiful Ukrainian Museum in New York. The comments shared after viewing the film were awe-inspiring.  Many of our members were not familiar with this treasure we enjoy here in our “backyard” and which UNWLA founded and funded.  Many live far away and have never had the chance to visit this beautiful museum.  Many members of our leadership team, inspired by the film, intend to encourage members in their respective regions to become members as well. 

Video Presentation of the Ukrainian Museum

The afternoon featured an educational session vital to the UNWLA’s mission: “Women and Leadership in the 21st Century”.

The session was highly interactive, providing attendees with valuable insights and strategies for navigating the evolving landscape of female leadership in the modern world.

The evening’s banquet offered another opportunity for members to connect. At the same time, esteemed guests inspired the audience with keynote addresses highlighting Ukraine’s resilience and the UNWLA’s role in its future. 

Dr. Taras Dobko of the Ukrainian Catholic University delivered a keynote address that focused on the critical role of education and community in shaping Ukrainian identity.

Opera diva Alla Rodnina performed a captivating aria for all guests, and Bria Blessing with Jesse Pohle took everyone to the dance floor with Chervona Kalyna and other Ukrainian folk classics. 

The evening closed with the announcement of the lottery results by Khrystyna Panytsya, Branch 135, NJ. 

Day 3: Reflection and Resolution – Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday opened with Divine Liturgies, followed by the final plenary session, which reviewed the UNWLA’s progress, adopted new resolutions, and solidified plans for the future.

At our Saturday luncheon we listened to the words of our keynote speaker, Paul Grod, the president of the Ukrainian World Congress, and Yaroslava Hartyani, the president of WFUWO (World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations) who sent greetings to the Convention via video.  Following, are a few of their inspiring words:

Video greeting by Paul Grod

Video greetings by Yaroslava Hartyani

Certificates of appreciation (hramoty)were then awarded to those Branches and Regional Councils who did outstanding work in the areas of advocacy, arts and museum, archives, culture, education, fundraising, scholarships, social media, and social welfare.  This year, in addition to presenting a certificate and a gold pin to members who achieved 50 years of service in the UNWLA, a certificate and a silver pin were given to those who attained 25 years of service.

The convention concluded with a closing ceremony and a final meeting of the newly elected National Board.

Executive Committee: 

President: Natalie Pawlenko

1st Vice President: Oksana Lodziuk Krywulych

2nd Vice President for Membership: Oka Hrycak 

3rd Vice President for Public Relations: Marusia Kvit-Flynn

Secretary: Yulia Penchak

Treasurer: Olha Manziy

Financial Secretary: Karen Chelak

1st Officer-at-large: Oksana Konyk

2nd Officer-at-large: Marianna Tretiak

National Standing Chairs:

Advocacy: Chrystya Tershakovec

Archive: Orysya Soroka

Arts and Museum: Olena Rudenko

Culture: Oksana Piasecky

Education: Anna Petelina

Scholarship: Nadia Jaworiw

Social Welfare: Lucia Buniak

Liason for Members-at-large – Olia Cherkas

National Audit Committee: 

Chair: Motria Mychailyuk

Member: Sophia Koshiw

Member: Oksana Antoniuk

Member: Olena Hrubiy

Member: Ivanna Plachta

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Pictured Newly Elected UNWLA Executive Board