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Dear Soyuzianky,
Welcome back after the Labor Day holiday weekend. The midterm elections on November 8, 2022, are quickly approaching. If you are an American citizen, this is your opportunity to be heard. Your vote is your voice.

Now is the time to pay particular attention to what the candidates say about supporting Ukraine in fighting Russian aggression. It’s not too late to register to vote for the midterm elections! Visit to learn about your state’s requirements.

If you are a new member, welcome! This regular newsletter will keep you updated about news and events related to the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America.

In this newsletter:

🔵 Save the Date: Ukrainian Days in Washington, DC
🔵 Spotlight: Rodyna Ukraina shares the Stories of Children Who Recently Participated in the UNWLA-Funded Summer Camp
🔵 Concert Season is Coming: Lesya Ukrainka Concert Series
🔵 Snippets

🔵 Ukrainian Days in Washington, DC

The next in-person “Ukraine Days” advocacy event will be held in Washington, DC following the midterm elections. This is an opportunity to acquaint elected officials with our concerns for:

  • increased security assistance for Ukraine and continued strong sanctions against Russia,
  • recognizing the current war in Ukraine as genocide
  • designating Russia as a State Sponsor of Terrorism
  • support for humanitarian programs to aid Ukrainians afflicted by the war.

The U.S. has been instrumental in providing military, financial, and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Meeting with elected officials in person is also an opportunity to thank them for their work.

Ukraine Days are sponsored by the Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS), the Washington, DC public affairs bureau of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)

Save November 15-17 to attend Ukrainian Days in Washington, DC!

🔵 Spotlight: Stories of Participants of the UNWLA-Supported Summer Camp

Recently we shared with you the report on a donation the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America had made to the “Family-Ukraine” («Родина-Україна») charitable foundation. If you read Ukrainian, here’s a more detailed description of the project from Nazar Zbigley, CEO of Family-Ukraine. It also includes first-hand accounts of the hardships young Ukrainians endured under the Russian occupation. Their strength and talent are truly inspiring.
Read more in Ukrainian.

🟡 У центрі уваги: Історіями дітей, які нещодавно взяли участь у літньому таборі, профінансованому СУА

Нещодавно ми ділилися з вами звітом про значну пожертву, яку зробив Союз українок Америки на користь благодійного фонду «Родина-Україна».

За посиланням – більш детальний опис проекту українською мовою від Назара Збіглея, генерального директора «Родина-Україна». Він також включає в себе розповіді про те, з якими труднощами довелося зіткнутися молодим українцям в умовах російської окупації. Їх сила і талант дійсно надихають.
Читати більше 

🔵 Concert Season is Coming: Lesya Ukrainka Concert Series

This September and October open the 2022-23 concert season! UNWLA Is proud to partner with the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus to present a concert series dedicated to Lesya Ukrainka.

LESYA: Her Voice and Poetry Through Seven Strings will feature a new repertoire by the UBC concert ensemble led by Artistic Director and Conductor Oleh Mahlay. This experience will shine a new light on Lesya Ukrainka. From her recorded voice to her poetry, the concerts aim to spotlight the woman in the pantheon of Ukrainian heroes.


  • September 30 – Detroit | TICKETS ARE ON SALE! 
  • October 1 – Cleveland | TICKETS ARE ON SALE! Also available via Live Stream
  • October 21 – Washington DC at the Catholic University of America
  • October 22 – Morristown, New Jersey
  • October 23 – Philadelphia

*Tickets for the Detroit and Cleveland concerts are now available at, including the October 1 live stream. A portion of the proceeds from the concert series will benefit humanitarian needs in Ukraine.

🔵 Snippets

UNWLA Annual Report 2021. The UNWLA released its 2021 Annual Report. | Річний звіт СУА також доступний українською мовою.

🇺🇦 The Blue-and-Yellow Community. If you haven’t already, check out a gallery of photographs contributed by UNWLA Branches to highlight the Independence Day of Ukraine.

🧐 Kyiv Ballet in Chicago. The artists of Kyiv City Ballet demonstrate the strength and resilience of the Ukrainian people at their premiere in Chicago on September 24-25.

💓 Ukraine and its People. New York Public Library invites you to explore the richness of the NYPL’s unique collections about Ukraine, its history, culture, and people.