Nov 19 UNWLA Branch 91 PA | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America

November was dedicated to commemorating 90 Years of Holodomor, a genocidal man-made famine organized by the USSR regime. We want to recognize all the outstanding work done by UNWLA branches to spread awareness, commemorate innocent victims, and educate the community about Holodomor. Here are some of the projects implemented across the country in solemn memory of the genocide of Ukrainians.

Branch 91 held a Candlelight Vigil at Bethlehem City Hall to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor Genocide. After prayers and a moment of silence, branch president Roxanne Dew said a few words, followed by the reading of proclamations from the Mayor of Bethlehem, J. William Reynolds and PA Governor Josh Shapiro. In honor of the victims of Holodomor, Branch 91 held a food drive in support of local food bank Second Harvest Lehigh Valley.

BR 91 vigil2 RD | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America BR 91 vigil1 RD | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America

A member of our Branch, Maria Brown, created a “Holodomor Exhibit” for the month of November at her local library, Lakeland Public Library

Holodomor Exhibit in Rutgers Library 

Exhibition is available for viewing online here:

Rotunda in Douglass Library | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America

On Monday, December 4th, branches 75 and 135 of New Jersey presented a talk on the Holodomor by Victor Rud, J.D. at the Douglass Library at Rutgers University in New Jersey.  A reception followed.  A month prior to the event a Holodomor Exhibit was displayed through and up to the event.  The exhibit was organized by Marusia Kvit-Flynn from branch 75 who is also a member of the U.S. Holodomor Committee and the owner of the exhibit. Also, a week prior to the event on November 16th, the Ukrainian Students Club at Rutgers University organized the screening of the film, Mr. Jones, at the Rutgers Cinema. Both events were successful and attended by students, professors and Ukrainian community members of New Jersey.  I am attaching a slideshow prepared by the research librarian at the Douglass library together with favorable comments from the head librarian, Kayo Denda.

Follow the link for the full picture gallery from the event

Rutgers Holodomor Soyuziankyt Br 75 135 and Victor Rud 12 01 23 | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America Rutgers Ukrainian Student Club II | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America

Lely South Regional Library Naples

Naples Br 136 Holodomor Exhibit. | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America

Three members of Branch 115 decided to visit our local libraries & investigate the availability of books on the Ukrainian Famine.  Lesia Lawrin visited the Traverse Area District Library, Lida Gulawsky went to the Sterling Heights Library and Eugenia Kossak went to the Grosse Pointe Central Library. Lesia found two books: Red Famine and The Lost Year. Lida found books written in English & Ukrainian. Lots of Serhii Plokhii books also Into Auschwitz’s, For Ukraine, Not Worthy edited by Lubomyr Lucius and others.  Lida plans on bring books in. At the Central I offered to gift The Lost Year but found out there were 2 copies circulating.  The Red Famine by Anne Applebaum was found in all three libraries. There was also a CD movie “Bitter Harvest” at Central.
The three of us signed books out to keep them circulating in the libraries. If they are not signed out occasionally the books will be eliminated. I also requested to do an exhibit about the Ukrainian famine next year in November but haven’t heard yet.  Overall the three of us were well received by the staff, some librarians more knowledgeable about the Holodomor than others and The Sterling Heights location had the most books probably because of the large  Ukrainian population in that city.  This project made me aware of the importance of speaking about the Holodomor & providing the materials that are necessary to do so.

image1 | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America

Documentary series about Holodomor. Chronicles. by Ukrainian TV Channel Suspilne

Episode 1: Capital of Despair:

Episode 2: Hooray to Stalin:

Episode 3: Horsemen of Apocalypse:

Espisode 4: Shadow: