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As is the tradition on New Year’s Eve, we reflect on the passing year and outline our plans for the coming one.

In 2023, we stood together, and our commitment bore fruitful results.

Through our Emergency Response to the War in Ukraine, we provided vital medical aid, saving the lives of many wounded defenders and civilians.

Check this video of one of our deliveries to Ukrainian hospitals.

Our efforts extended to supporting children, women, and the elderly in Ukraine, addressing their basic needs, education, and mental health.

TOOLKIT | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America

We dedicated ourselves to educating our local communities about Ukraine’s historical and present challenges, promoting and decolonizing our rich heritage, and celebrating our homeland whenever we could.

Check out this Ukrainian Culture decolonization toolkit.

We issued stipends and grants to support Ukrainian students and scholars in the US and Ukraine.

Check this article and video recording of our Zoom meeting with Halyna Kruk, Ukrainian scholar and Kovaliv contest awardee.

Online presentation by UNWLA culture chair 18 | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America
Online presentation by UNWLA culture chair 35 | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America

Our advocacy for Ukraine and its people resonated at every level of the US government as we continuously engaged with local communities and elected officials. These efforts garnered recognition from the US Congress.

Check out the details here.

Taking our collaboration with the Ukrainian NGO Zemliachky to a national level, we are committed to providing continuous support to courageous women soldiers serving on the frontlines.

Read more here.

Zemliachky Facebook 2 | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America

All of this was made possible through your tireless work and support.

As we embark on 2024, we extend our wishes for strength and unity. Together, let us continue changing lives and aiding Ukraine on its path to victory through our love, dedication, and unwavering efforts.

Please support our efforts in 2024 by donating today: 

With hope for peace and prosperity in 2024,

UNWLA President

Natalie Pawlenko