On May 21, an insightful session took place at the Ukrainian American Cultural Center in Whippany, NJ, featuring Professor Olena Muradyan, the esteemed Dean of Sociology at Karazin University in Kharkiv, Ukraine. The discussion revolved around the profound effects of the ongoing war on daily life in Ukraine, with a specific focus on the university’s efforts to maintain a high standard of education for its 16,000 enrolled students. Notably, the war has significantly impacted the enrollment of foreign students, who traditionally constituted a third of the university’s student body.

During the session, Professor Muradyan also shed light on the university’s commendable humanitarian aid initiatives, including the provision of housing for internally displaced Ukrainians. The UNWLA (Ukrainian National Women’s League of America) received heartfelt gratitude from Professor Muradyan for their unwavering support and extensive humanitarian aid contributions. A touching moment transpired as several members of Branch 75 accepted a plaque of gratitude on behalf of the UNWLA.

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NWLA Members accept a plaque of gratitude acknowledging our work from Professor Muradyan of Karazin University in Kharkiv. Left to right: Branch 75 member Roma Lisovich, UNWLA Financial Secretary Karen Chelak, Professor Olena Muradyan, Dean of Sociology at Karazin University, Kharkiv, UNWLA Officer at Large Oksana Lodziuk Krywulych, Branch 75 member Lida Kramarchuk.

As a response to the challenging circumstances, Karazin University has shifted all classes to an online format. Moreover, the university has forged partnerships with other institutions to facilitate in-person classes for certain disciplines like chemistry. While the university celebrates the opportunity for 300 students to study abroad in Germany, it laments the noticeable decline in foreign student enrollment due to the war.

The session served as a reminder of the resilience and determination of both Karazin University and the Ukrainian people, who continue to prioritize education amidst adversity.

Read more: UNWLA Supports Two Theological Seminaries withing the Spiritual Rebirth of Ukraine project