With your assistance, the UNWLA provides for the needs in Ukraine through our “Keep Ukraine Warm” campaign. Launched October 19, it helps Ukrainians in communities, ravaged by war to survive the harsh winter. Our partners on the ground deliver aid to remote corners of east, south, and north of Ukraine and witness first-hand the realities of life on the newly-liberated territories of Ukraine. 

In November 2022, AICM Ukraine delivered aid to 78 care centers and 69 cities, a record since February. Soldiers have benefitted from warm clothing, boots and sleeping bags, and hospitals received desperately needed generators and medical supplies. Wood stoves provided comfort for the elderly and special warming centers. Families welcomed necessities for dealing with this complicated winter-limited or no electricity, resulting in unpredictable access to heat, lights, and water. In some instances, our trusted partners were even able to provide small treats on St. Nicholas Day to children who have lost parents, been displaced, and/or living in orphanages and shelters. Let’s dive in to see how your donations are put to work!

Lohove, Ukraine – Treating children with disabilities, including those with cerebral palsy, requires constant care which has become extremely difficult with power outages across the country. Thanks to our partners, AICM Ukraine, a children’s rehabilitation center received a generator and medical aid, including equipment for oxygen therapy.

Romny, Ukraine – A small town in the Sumy region, Romny became a second home for many people from the southern regions of Ukraine currently under Russian occupation. More than 800 patients at the Romny Regional Psychiatric Hospital struggle to live without electricity, heat and water. Many are IDPs without any family to help them, so UNWLA-funded wood-burning stoves and generators are more than helpful. AICM captured the moment aid arrived at the Romny hospital.

Kharkiv region, Ukraine – Ravaged by endless shellings since March of 2022, the Kharkiv region experiences an acute humanitarian crisis. Russian bombs destroyed nearly all communications, making simple daily tasks an exercise in survival. Even such basic items as blankets and bed linens are a commodity: UNWLA donations provide residents of assisted living facilities, patients in hospitals and healthcare workers with generators and other winter relief items. The focus is on small towns and small communities, where the living conditions greatly deteriorated because of the damage to the electrical, power grid and communication networks.

Chernihiv, Ukraine – Back in April and May, Chernihiv was a hotspot of intense combat. Now residents are recovering slowly and repairing the damages, but many families have their houses completely destroyed. Humanitarian aid, including medicine, stoves, and hygiene kits, supports the residents in their work to rebuild what was destroyed by occupiers.

The funding from the Keep Ukraine Warm campaign went to purchase three generators and six power stations for three special ops units in Ukraine.  They were all personally driven and delivered by the project Someone Prays For You. We sincerely thank all our partners and donors for their work on the ground. 

Despite the crumbled infrastructure, Ukrainians rejoice to be free from the Russian occupation. Living under the Russian yoke meant torture, mass killings, rape, kidnappings and constant mental pressure. Despite their current hardships,  people are happy that they once again live on Ukrainian territory. Our mission is to keep every Ukrainian warm this winter. At the request of our UNWLA branches, we are extending the “Keep Ukraine Warm” campaign through January 19, 2023.