The Ukrainian National Women’s League of America has launched the first ever UKRAINIAN AMERICAN ARTIST DIRECTORY,” which will be a searchable online directory comprised of both professional and hobbyist artists.

Finding Ukrainian American artists who are available to conduct workshops, lectures and presentations can sometimes be a challenge. The Directory will make the task of identifying an artist who works across any one of 32 artistic and creative fields much easier for those interested in promoting Ukrainian culture in America.

The directory is voluntary and participating artists are invited to complete a survey about themselves and their art. This information will periodically be uploaded to the UNWLA website.

The art forms listed in the survey include: basket weaving, carving, ceramics, cinematographer, dancing, designer, doll making, egg decorating (pysanky), embroidery, furniture making, glass making, iconography, jewelry, leatherwork, metal work, musical composition, musical instrument making, painting, paper cutting (vytynanky), photography, printmaking, pottery, sculpture, singer, stone carving, straw weaving / straw art, toy making, weaving, wickerwork, writer and an option to add additional art forms.

The UNWLA has a 95 year history of fostering , promoting, preserving and educating others on the Ukrainian culture. We encourage all Ukrainian artists, professional or hobbyists who keep our traditions alive or create new ones to consider being a part of this great endeavor for our Ukrainian American community and for our generations to come.

We also encourage all our UNWLA members to share this information with those in your communities who you know should be a part of the Ukrainian American Artist Directory.

The link to the Artist Directory survey is here: