Dear Soyuzianky,

As russia escalates its aggression against Ukraine, it might be easy to feel discouraged and disheartened. We must remember that russia is waging a mental war: it wants us to stop supporting Ukraine. Stop advocating, educating, and cultivating all things Ukrainian. The russian war machine wants us to stop caring.

We won’t give in.

If you are a new member, welcome! This regular newsletter will keep you updated about news and events related to the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America.

Russia’s wave of massive long-range missile attacks against Ukrainian cities, civilians, and energy infrastructure calls for the most decisive response. A total of 84 rockets were launched from russia, Belarus, and the Black Sea. These indiscriminate attacks on Ukrainian civilians have claimed the lives of at least ten people and left dozens wounded across Ukraine.

Read More: The UNWLA Calls on the U.S. to Designate Russia a State Sponsor of Terrorism

Our sisters from the West Coast have recently organized a showing of an acclaimed Ukrainian movie, Mother of Apostles in Los Angeles. In cooperation with the Ukrainian Culture Center and the Ukrainian Art Center of Los Angeles, they focused this event on benefiting the families of Ukrainian filmmakers. Since the Ukrainian movie industry came to a halt due to the russian invasion, many Ukrainian filmmakers are living on the verge of survival.

A captivating war drama, Mother of Apostles explores the length a mother would go to save her son. For her performance, the lead actress Natalia Polovynka received 5 international awards, including the Best Actress award at the Ontario International Film Festival. Yesterday, Mother of Apostles premiered in Miami as our members continue to raise funds to aid the Ukrainian film industry.

Read More: 7 Ukrainian Movies to Watch: UNWLA Co-Sponsors Relief Efforts To Ukrainian Film Industry

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From left to right: Olha Starow, Halyna Sakhno, Daria Chaikovsky, Victoria Malko, Luda Wussek, Luba Keske, Anna Maistrenko, Olenka Krupa, Ivanka Kodubec.

We traditionally spend November honoring the victims of the Holodomor. The 9th of November, however, is the day to celebrate something many Ukrainians hold most dear: their mother tongue.

The Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language unites Ukrainians worldwide for Радіодиктант національної єдності – a major annual event when famous writers read a pre-selected text on the radio for people to write down and check how well they know their native language.

Are you sure your Ukrainian hasn’t gotten rusty? Write a dictation with us at the virtual event “Америка пише диктант” on November 9. Cross the t’s and dot the i’s and celebrate the Day Of Ukrainian Writing and Language with us! Add this event to your calendar.
9 листопада | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America

In March 2022, one month after russia invaded Ukraine, pysanka artist Sofika Zielyk launched a cultural counteroffensive. Her installation at the Ukrainian Institute of America, “The Pysanka: A Symbol of Hope,” invited children and adults of all backgrounds and beliefs to create and donate a pysanka to the installation at the Institute.

“The essence of this project is to show the world, to show ourselves and to show the aggressor, that we have been here all along. We remain here, and we will always be here,” confirms Sofika Zielyk.

Read more: UNWLA to Launch Pysanka Designs by Ukrainian American Artist as NFTs to Fund Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine

Voice of America’s journalist Iryna Solomko has recently interviewed UNWLA President Natalie Pawlenko and members of the UNWLA to explore the role of our organization for the Ukrainian community in the U.S. Here’s her (and our!) story.