UNWLA continues the tradition of advocating for Ukraine in tumultuous times: our organization was among the first in America to sound the alarm about the Holodomor. Our goal is to give our members and supporters the tools to continue advocating, educating the community, and cultivating support for Ukraine.

Political Advocacy

  • We engage in advocacy directly, meeting with elected officials.
  • We lead advocacy workshops for local Branches and create information packs for UNWLA members.
  • We follow current political issues and coordinate member advocacy when key bills are up for a vote in Congress – including the Lend-lease bill and the Ukraine funding act.

Corporate Advocacy

  • We gather information about the corporations that continue to operate in Russia.
  • We supply members with information on US brands owned by conglomerates that are doing business in Russia
  • We reach out to corporate executives and Board members to advocate for a complete withdrawal from Russia.
  • We track economic and financial issues related to sanctions

Cultural Advocacy

  • We coordinate a national project to pair US cities with Ukraine’s cities through Sister Cities International.
  • We forge ties with American organizations within the American community including Rotary Intl., Daughters of the American Revolution, and the Junior League.
  • We build the framework for UNWLA members to advocate for books in Ukrainian / about Ukraine at their local libraries.


The UNWLA Advocacy committee’s work began with an Advocacy seminar by Vera Andryczyk on February 24th. Advocacy kicked off with a 7-day Advocacy Challenge, with each day offering participants different ways to speak up for Ukraine. These included contacting Senators, House Reps, and the President, writing Op-Eds, and pushing for divestment among university endowments and state pension funds. [link – Advocacy Challenge] We also began a campaign to have US cable providers to drop Russian state-sponsored channels from their packages. The petition started on Change.org  to counter Russian propaganda gathered over 70,000 signatures. Our work resulted in RT and its sister networks being dropped from US cable providers. RT America closed its doors  (and streams) in March.   

UNWLA Advocacy Committee began holding weekly meetings with members from all over the country who wanted to join in our work. In June 2022 activists traveled to Washington DC to meet with the elected officials and raise awareness of Ukrainian issues in person. Our Advocacy Committee is open to welcome new members. If you are interested in joining our work, please email advocacy@unwla.org, and we will include you on our mailing list and invite you to our next meeting. In a time when we feel powerless, advocacy provides a way that you can empower yourself and make a difference for Ukraine.


Virtual Ukrainian days will take place around the country this summer. Follow us on social media and add your voice as we continue to gather the support of Senators, Representatives, and the President and his team in the White House!



What is your city or town planning for Ukrainian Independence Day? This year it’s more important than ever to reinforce American support for Ukraine’s independence. Attend a planned event, or offer to coordinate something if no event is organized in your local community. 



There are races all around the country – a unique time for candidates to introduce themselves to their Ukrainian constituents. Let’s reach out to both candidates in each race and offer them a chance to meet with representatives of the Ukrainian community. Invite them to participate in local Ukrainian festivals or events you (or others) have planned, too! Candidates might appreciate the chance to explain their platform and what they will do (or won’t do) to support Ukraine.


What are the American organizations active in your city? Do you have any local golf, country, or swim clubs? How about Rotary or Kiwanis? What are the largest American churches in your area? These are all opportunities for us to engage. Reach out and offer to organize a cultural evening – it’s a great way to educate Americans about Ukraine and why Ukrainian territorial independence is so important.



Our joy in Ukraine’s cultural gifts offers us another vehicle for advocacy.  Whether it’s an exhibit of Ukrainian handicrafts in your local library or a Vinok workshop in a park – as you share Ukraine’s culture, you reinforce the uniqueness of Ukraine’s identity and cultivate sympathy for Ukraine.



Russia’s messaging is persistent even after our work to ban RT America. We must ensure that Americans have access to books, films and other media that provide an accurate version of Ukraine’s history and cultural identity. Reach out to your local library and request Ukrainian language books and English language books about Ukraine.