Recent remarks by Governor Ron DeSantis, which describe Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a “territorial dispute” and U.S. support for Ukraine as a distraction that is not in America’s vital interests, are worrisome and deeply flawed. Russia’s war is not a territorial dispute. It is a genocidal campaign aimed at the destruction of Ukrainian national identity and culture. Putin, by attacking Ukraine’s democracy, makes commoncausewith Beijing and Tehran to weaken and discredit the United States and our allies. Putin wants to show that the future belongs not to democracies, but to authoritarians. Governor DeSantis may not recognize how Russia’s war is an attack on America’s vital interests, but Putin and Xi certainly do. Since the start of Russia’s invasion nine years ago, a strong and bipartisan consensus has held that the United States should lead the free world in opposing Russia’s war of aggression. The American people understand this as well: Republicans (62%) and Democrats (58%) believe that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is not only important to the U.S. but a “critical threat to U.S. vital interests,” according to a Gallup poll earlier this month. Only 8% of Americans agree with Governor DeSantis that the invasion does not represent an important threat to the United States.

Razom for Ukraine
Ukrainian National Women’s League of America
Florida for Ukraine
Taiwanese American Citizens League
Syria Ukraine Network

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