Ukrainian Independence Day is the most prominent occasion to promote Ukraine, educate the public about our history, and ensure that those who protect Ukraine on the frontlines right now have all the support they need.
UNWLA’s comprehensive Ukrainian Independence Day toolkit provides guidance on what you can do in your community to organize an outstanding celebration.
It includes step-by-step instructions on how to request a proclamation from the Governor or mayor of your city, light up landmarks in blue and yellow, and on other ideas how to engage your local community and bring Ukraine to the front of their attention.
Independence Day is also a celebration of our rich cultural heritage, which has been largely hidden from the world and oppressed by occupying governments for centuries. Use the occasion to cultivate the public’s awareness of the richness and diversity of Ukrainian culture. Use our Cultural Decolonization Toolkit to bring Ukrainian artists home!
Also, UNWLA sponsored the production of the documentary “Mariupol. Survivors.” by L.A. based studio Mary Production. This film tells the stories of three women who lost their homes and loved ones in Mariupol but managed to escape the occupation. They share their memories of those harrowing events, helping raise awareness of war crimes committed by the russian army.
Contact Oksana Piaseckyj at culture@unwla.org to obtain the copy of the movie and get further help with screenings.