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24 «ЖІНОЧИЙ СВІТ» Section by Young Ukrainians THE FIRST OF NOVEMBER 4#LEEN yeais ago, on the first aay ої November, а comparauvery small group of Ukrainian soldiers seized by force the city of Lwiw and proclaimed Western Ukraine a free and i republic. policy of oppression. Yet the methods they used in keeping the miserable subjects in submission were so cruel ow barbaric that even the most calculat- would hesitate to employ For many long years the inhabitants of this part of Ukraine had been under the domination of Austria. But when the world war broke out and nationalistic aspirations were very apparent among the oppres- sed peoples, the Ukrainians of Western Ukraine fol- lowed suit. Taking advantage of an opportune moment, they rose in rebellion and perched their blue and golden banner on the top of the Town Hall in Lemberg, thus freeing themselves from the shackles of foreign oppression. ..Yet their happiness was short-lived, for only during nine months could they stand the powerful opposition of their bitter enemies, the Poles. Over- powered and outnumbered, the Ukrainian Sitchovi Strilci, (Ukrainian soldiers) were forced to slowly retreat, leaving behind their dear ones, to suffer the wrath and malicious glee of a victorious foe. Greater Ukraine, for a short time, welcomed and housed the fleeing soldiers. Though she, too, had realized her ambition of an indevendent government, yet disorder and confusion prevailed throughout the land. And it was not long until the Red and White Russians, each attacking separately, dispersed her small forces and defeated her supporters. Thus the Ukrainian soldiers found themselves trapped in the “triangle of death.” Thousands lost their lives heroically struggling on the battlefield. Hundreds, worn from cold, hunger, continuous fighting and contagious diseases, laid down their weary heads on the vast steppes of Ukraine. never to rise again. Others faced the firing squads of the relentless Reds, while those who managed to escape and return to their former homes, now under the rule of Poland, were thrown into the prison camps, Such was the fate of those valiant sons who fought in the name of liberty. ‘And so we, the Ukrainians, the world over, an- nually assemble to pay tribute to those heroic figures who laid down their Jives on the altar of their country, to instill into our hearts a still greater love for those oppressed countrymen of ours, and to aug- ment our zeal and intrepidity for the bitter struggle which awaits us. Yes, my reader, a long and bitter struggle still awaits us. For this day still finds Ukraine in the clutches of foreign rulers, pursuing their hated mee The echo of the bitter fate, to which our U- krainians have been subjected in the Soviet Union, for instance, has resounded throughout the entire world. Widespread famine is sweeping through that land, claiming millions as its victims. The Bolsheviks, in their zeal to promote the industrialization of Rus- sia and to penalize the insurgent peasants, have seized every available ounce of grain raised on the fertile land and exported it into Russia or foreign markets, Thus conducts itself a government toward the Ukrainian peasants, promising at the same time a virtual paradise to the countless toiling masses. And what has been the destiny of those un- fortunate Ukrainians whom the course of events has placed under the guardianship of Poland? There, too, prevails a reign of terror. Perhaps, not so grue- some, not so barbaric, but just as systematic and destructive as the one in Russia. Ukrainian schools are closed, Ukrainian teachers discharged, cooper- ative stores Ukrainian dissoived, Ukrainian political leaders imprisoned and Ukrainian students executed. These pitiful conditions, existing both in Western Ukraine and Greater Ukraine, must be eradicated. And that is the long and bitter struggle to which I have earlier alluded. For no one can have any doubt, but that it will be an enormous and arduous task to expel the foreign tyrants who have enforced per- sistently and the policy of і ion and who have so tenaciously clung to to our vast and fertile land. But it can and must be done. To that end, we, Ukrainians, young and old, must organize, for only united effort can produce the neces- sary results. We must, at every turn, support the nationalistic organizations. We must learn and know the Ukrainian history so that we might be ready, at all times, to prove that the land we claim is ours. We must donate and solicit funds, thereby materially aiding our oppressed brethren to rehabilitate their ruined schools and organizations and to enable them to continue their secret activities for the liberation of Ukraine. We must learn and practice the Ukrainian customs and traditions so that the flame of patriotism shall never be extinguished. And last, but not least, we must perpetually struggle, until our blue and golden banner once more flutters from the towers of the Town Halls of Lwiw and Kiev.
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