Ukrainian National Women’s League of America has joined 20 organizations to sign onto a letter calling House Foreign Affairs and Senate Foreign Relations Committees to vote House Resolution 1205 and Senate Resolution 713 out of Committee. These resolutions condemn Russia for committing acts of genocide against the Ukrainian people. They urge the U.S., NATO, and European Union allies to support the Ukrainian government to prevent further acts of Russian genocide.

Please support our effort to get these bills passed! To get involved, mail, call, or tweet your Members of Congress today and ask them to cosponsor and support this important resolution to recognize the Russian genocide against Ukrainians.

November is the month when we focus on commemorating the Holodomor and the genocide Stalin inflicted on Ukraine. As the Russian war in Ukraine rages on, concurrent Resolutions in the House and the Senate seek to recognize it as a genocide. As the year winds down, it’s vital that we mobilize to get these bills passed before the new congress is convened.

Please click on the links below to contact your senators and house representatives directly and to request their support for the two resolutions declaring the current Russian actions in Ukraine as genocide. Once you input your address,  you will be able to email or call your elected officials directly. Sample text is provided below. We recommend sending an email and then following up with a call.

Senate Resolution S. Res. 713 

Sample Statement:

“On November 25, Ukrainians around the world will commemorate Holodomor Remembrance Day, remembering the millions of Ukrainians starved to death by the Soviet regime in an artificially-created famine. Today, the Ukrainian nation is once again fighting for its right to exist. We are thankful for the support the United States has provided Ukraine, and we are grateful for your leadership in that process. In that same spirit, we urge you to cosponsor S.Res. 713, which recognizes Russia’s actions in Ukraine as genocide.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine unambiguously meets the definition of the term genocide, as defined by the Genocide Convention and reflected in U.S. law. Russian officials have conducted an incitement campaign and adhered to a policy of attempting to not just conquer Ukraine but to eliminate Ukrainians as a separate ethnicity.

S.Res. 713 reaffirms America’s commitment to our fundamental principles and underscores the seriousness of Russia’s crime, and as your constituent, I am asking you to add your name as co-sponsor and do all you can to bring this resolution to a vote.”

House Resolution H. Res 1205

“On November 25, Ukrainians worldwide will commemorate Holodomor Remembrance Day, remembering the millions of Ukrainians starved to death by the Soviet regime in an artificially-created famine. Today, the Ukrainian nation is once again fighting for its right to exist. We are thankful for the support the United States has provided Ukraine, and we are grateful for your leadership in that process. In that same spirit, we urge you to cosponsor H.Res. 1205, which recognizes Russia’s actions in Ukraine as genocide.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine unambiguously meets the definition of the term genocide, as defined by the Genocide Convention and reflected in U.S. law. According to that definition, genocide occurs when any one or more of the following acts are committed with “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group as such”:
a) Killing members of the group;
b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; or
e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Russian officials have conducted an incitement campaign and adhered to a policy of attempting to not just conquer Ukraine but to eliminate Ukrainians as a separate ethnicity. This is all too apparent through a coordinated campaign of eliminationist rhetoric disseminated by state-run media, military campaigns that intentionally target civilian areas and life-sustaining infrastructure, and military occupation regimes that seek to arrest, deport, and destroy members of Ukrainian nationality.

Russia’s policies in Ukraine undoubtedly point to a genocidal plan. H.Res. 1205 reaffirms America’s commitment to our fundamental principles and underscores the seriousness of Russia’s crime, and as your constituent, I am asking you to add your name as a co-sponsor and do all you can to bring this resolution to a vote.

Thank you for your support.”