Dear Soyuzianky,

Do you hear it? This gentle jingling of Christmas bells? The holiday season is upon us, and our hearts start feeling a little tender, waiting. For a new hope, a new year, a fresh start.

It’s so easy to get rushed at the hectic end of the year: lists, errands, work, holiday meals, and plans. Let’s pause for a second and give thanks.

For everything we have to rush about.
For everything we get to think about.
For everyone on our Christmas lists.

When the heart is full, it’s easier to give; after all, how can one pour from an empty cup? Thank you so much for everything you are giving to this community. Let this weekly newsletter be your warm hug from the UNWLA. And if you are a new member, welcome to the UNWLA sisterhood!

This weekly newsletter keeps our members informed about the news and current projects of the UNWLA.

always close | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America

During the Thanksgiving weekend, more than 30 children had a great time at the recreation camp “Always Close.” The UNWLA provided funding for the camp organized by the military chaplains of the Garrison Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Ukraine.

For children who experienced loss, normalcy and new positive experiences are essential to overcome trauma. We are very grateful to our partners who set our funding in motion and created such an enriching, spiritual and recreational program for the children of the fallen Ukrainian defenders. Young campers visited historical places of Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Truskavets, and participated in workshops and games.

Meanwhile, hundreds of boxes like these, all full of medicine, warm clothes, and sleeping bags have already reached the people who need them most. Our partner, Lviv Region Medical Corp, distributes and promptly delivers aid to the hottest spots of the frontline. It’s your warmth and support that fills these boxes. Thank you for Keeping Ukraine Warm!
No contribution is too small to support Ukraine. If you wish to donate, please visit

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A picture is worth a thousand words, and we have only one extra phrase: thank you, UNWLA New York Regional Council, for a remarkable event organized to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor.

Please enjoy this beautiful video from Soyuzianka Day. Hosted by the Ukrainian National Home in NYC, it gathered representatives of the Consulate General of Ukraine in New York, the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the UN; Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People to UN, the Consulate General of Japan in New YorkUkrainian Congress Committee of AmericaSelf Reliance Federal Credit Union and special guests, Ukrainian soldiers who came to the U.S. for prosthetics.

We are incredibly proud of the efforts of our Soyuzianky from New York, who rallied artists, performers, and supporters and organized such a spectacular event. All proceeds went to fund humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

Two Scholars on the Connection between the Holodomor and the Current War in Ukraine

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If you look close, there are plenty of similarities between the Holodomor, the genocide of Ukrainians in 1932-1933, and the current russian war against Ukraine. Visit our website for an informative conversation between Dr. Emily Channel-Justice, the Director of the Temerty Contemporary Ukraine Program at the Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University, and Dr. Kristina Hook, a specialist in genocide and mass atrocity prevention.

A transcript and highlights in Ukrainian are available on our website.

Curious about what different UNWLA Branches are up to? Looking for events to support in your area? Some of them are right at your fingertips – like this online fundraiser from our Branch 134 (Ukrainian-themed Christmas gifts, anyone?) To stay in the loop, visit UNWLA Calendar, where we do our best to gather events from our Branches!
If you’d like to add yours, just email the information to [email protected]

Are you good with forging connections with new people? Talking about funds doesn’t scare you? Are you a crafty writer and know your way around grant applications? Then we need your help! As our organization grows, so does our need for fundraising specialists.

If you are interested in joining our team and would like to add UNWLA to your portfolio, please fill in our volunteer application.