Dear Soyuzianky,

It’s that time of the year again! To gather together, to reflect on the cha(lle)nging year of 2022, to build plans for the future. It’s fascinating to see our Members together, enjoying the holiday season and making an impact! So instead of the usual introduction in this newsletter, look at the vibrant activities our Members in NY and NJ gathered for in the past weekend.

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West Coast sisters, what’s new? If you have organized events recently or want to share other news, please email us at [email protected].

If you are a new member, welcome! This newsletter will keep you informed about the news and updates from the UNWLA.

There are two big advocacy pushes left this calendar year. First, we are doing direct legislative outreach to our elected officials. As the year winds down, there are 3 key Ukraine-related bills that remain on the docket – and it is vital that we mobilize to get these bills passed before the new congress is convened.

  1. Ukraine Supplemental Spending Billmore information on Supplemental Funding Request is available at this link.
  2. Designate Wagner as a Foreign Terrorist Organization: H.R.9381 – HARM Act – Designating Wagner as FTO and S. 5164 – HARM Act – Designating Wagner as FTO.
  3. Recognize Russian Actions in Ukraine as a Genocide: H.Res. 1205: Recognizing Russian actions in Ukraine as a genocide and S.Res. 713: A resolution recognizing Russian actions in Ukraine as a genocide

We also encourage our members to make their voices heard via opinion pieces. Please check out the Campaign Breakdowns (Legislative & Op-Ed) for more details and share them with others. Our Advocacy Committee prepared a step-by-step guide to create your opinion piece. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach [email protected].

Read more: Everything You Need To Know About Writing An Opinion Piece

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Our Branch 10, Philadelphia, PA, covered all expenses for the prosthetics of the left arm of Ukrainian soldier Anton (name withheld) from Kharkiv. Soyuzianky organized multiple creative events, from workshops to photo exhibits, and secured support through collaboration with The Revived Soldiers Foundation to facilitate his travel to the US and his treatment.

A chef turned war veteran, Anton, 31, applied for this procedure to make his dream come true. Despite the serious injuries and burns he sustained, he is determined to come back to Ukraine and bring Ukraine’s victory closer. On the day of his arrival to the U.S., Anton was greeted at the airport and showered with support from the Ukrainian-American community. “This is a very complicated prosthesis, which is not available in Ukraine,” explains Krystyna Urda, a volunteer of the Ukrainian Women’s League in Ukraine. She commended the efforts of our Philadelphia sisters and thanked the UNWLA for its unwavering support of Ukraine.

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The cost of Anton’s prosthesis and related medical expenses is estimated at around $40,000. This is considered a very low price for the type of procedure he will undergo. In addition to raising funds for his medical treatment, UNWLA Branch 10 is raising funds to help with living arrangements and daily activities while in the United States.

Watch more:

Vintage Embroidery Designs Go Digital
Some of you might remember the older issues of Our Life magazine, which featured embroidery patterns on the back cover. Deep in the UNWLA archives are even brighter gems – the whole album of embroidery patterns! Are you a passionate cross-stitcher or just looking for a new (and really addictive) hobby? We’ve scanned these albums for you – now you can print the design you like and use it for your next project! Explore embroidery patterns here.

If you know somebody (or maybe, even you?) with the “volunteer more” New Year resolution, the UNWLA is looking for volunteers to help us with our national initiatives. Development, training, marketing and research – volunteer your skills and expand your portfolio! The invitation is open to both UNWLA members and non-members.