by Liudmyla Rabij 
UNWLA Arts and Museum Chair 

Since its establishment in 1925, the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America has defined preserving and promoting Ukrainian culture as one of the critical missions of the largest Ukrainian women’s organization in the USA. One of the latest art projects of the UNWLA is sponsoring an online Ukrainian-American Artists Directory. We are happy to announce its website launch now!
It is also available on the UNWLA website at the Projects – Cultivate. 

 The project was initiated and began to develop in 2020 by Natalie Pawlenko, current president of the UNWLA and, at that time, the Arts and Museum Chair and her Arts Advisory Committee. It provides a platform where professional and amateurs artists can promote their creative activities in a wide range of categories from fine art to folk arts and crafts: dancing, design, doll making, egg decorating (pysanky), embroidery, furniture making, glass making, iconography, jewelry, leatherwork, metal work, musical composition, musical instrument making, painting, paper cutting (vytynanky), photography, printmaking, pottery, sculpture, singer, stone carving, straw weaving/straw art, toy making, weaving, wickerwork, writer, etc.

On the Directory webpage, the art appreciators can search by art category in both English and Ukrainian languages, by artist’s name, and see contact information, website, links to social media, and a location on the map. 

The Directory will be updated and expanded. We invite the artists to join it and share their creative practice with the Ukrainian and American communities. Are you an artist? You can apply from the website page by filling out the participation form. 

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