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The UNWLA has received the following letter from the Ukrainian World Congress regarding the Normandy Four meeting in Paris, December 8 through 10.  We ask all of our members to share this information widely and take action as requested in the letter below from the President of the Ukrainian World Congress.

Thank You,

Marianna Zajac

UNWLA President

December 6, 2019


Dear members of the Ukrainian community!

Dear Friends of Ukraine!

Thank you for your support during this historical time.

Ahead of the Normandy Four meeting in Paris, I once again highlight the key priorities of the Ukrainian World Congress position in support of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. We ask that Ukrainian communities around the world maintain, and call upon their national leaders to maintain a clear and unequivocal position, specifically that:

1) No elections can take place in the Russian-occupied territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts until all Russian troops, mercenaries, weapons and materiel are withdrawn from Ukrainian territory, Ukraine regains complete control of the Ukrainian side of the Ukraine-Russia border, a reasonable normalization period will allow for the re-establishment of democratic institutions and the displaced residents of the Donbas region are allowed to peacefully return to their homes.

2) Ukraine’s strategic course for Euro-Atlantic and NATO integration, as set out in Ukraine’s Constitution, is non-negotiable and immutable.

3) International sanctions on Russia must continue to be strengthened and expanded until Russia de-occupies the sovereign Ukrainian territory of Crimea and parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.

4) There can be no negotiations with the leaders of the Russia-controlled terrorist organizations of the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics (DNR and LNR).

5) Russia bears full responsibility for rebuilding war-torn Ukraine and paying reparations to all affected by their war against Ukraine and downing of Malaysian airliner MH17.

To strengthen the global campaign in support of Ukraine in the world we ask that you:

Immediately share the UWC position through your channels

Send letters to the political leadership of your country (templates can be found on the UWC website)

If possible, join UWC events in Paris taking place with the participation of UWC President Paul Grod and the leadership of Ukrainian communities of France and Europe

December 8

12.30 – Peaceful rally (Place Saint-Michel, 12.00 – a departure from Taras Shevchenko monument near St. Volodymyr Cathedral)

18.00 – Ecumenical Service (following Liturgy, St. Volodymyr Cathedral)

December 10

19.00 – Townhall meeting with Paul Grod, UWC President, and members of the Ukrainian community (St. Volodymyr Cathedral)

Additional event details will be posted on the UWC website and Facebook page. Please share this information widely using the hashtags:

I am grateful to every engaged member of the Ukrainian community and every friend of Ukraine for the support!

Glory to Ukraine!

Paul Grod, President


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