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UNWLA Branch 10 is hosting a photo exhibition displaying the reality of war in Ukraine through the eyes of four amazing photographers. Free admission and refreshments. Prints are available for purchase.

The exhibit will feature some of the most beautiful and heartfelt works of:

Dmytro Kozatsky – the photographer who took the most famous photos from Azov
Oles Kromplias – a professional war photographer from Kyiv who has been taking photos since 2014
Stas Kozljuk – a freelance journalist from Kyiv who once wanted to work on the radio but instead takes photos and writes about social issues and politics
Yan Dobronosov is currently in Kherson taking pictures of the liberated city. Pictures to come!

100% of donations collected will be contributed to the prosthesis and related medical expenses for a Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier.
Ukraine War Photo Exhibition | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America

During the last few weeks, UNWLA Branch 10 has raised close to $10,000 for an arm prosthesis for an injured Ukrainian soldier. Anton is on his way to the U.S. and we hope to raise the entire amount by the time he arrives!

Anton was born on July 23, 1991, in Ukraine’s Kharkiv region. He joined Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) in 2022, following the start of the full-scale war against Ukraine. On May 19, 2022, while on a mission in Zaporizhzhya on the way towards Donetsk, Anton sustained serious injuries, including burns all over his body, and while doctors were able to partially save his right arm, he lost his left arm from the shoulder down and requires a prosthesis. Anton is undergoing rehabilitation in Tryskavets (Lviv oblast) and is determined to continue supporting Ukraine’s fight for freedom. Before the full-scale invasion, Anton worked as a chef and helped his sister with her business by installing stage lights for performances. Anton’s hobbies included playing volleyball and piano for 9 years. Anton is an uncle to a beautiful 3-year-old girl, Mina. In Ukraine, a local prosthetics center advised Anton that he is not a candidate for bionic prosthetics and that his only option would be a hook prosthetic. We extended our search to the United States, and to Anton’s surprise and our excitement, the Prosthetic Innovations center near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area advised differently! It is possible! And they have agreed to take Anton as a patient! Anton’s prosthesis and related medical expenses are estimated at around $40,000. This is considered a very low price for the type of procedure he will undergo, and the UNWLA Branch 10 secured support through collaboration with The Revived Soldiers Foundation to facilitate Anton’s travel to the US and his treatment. In addition to raising funds for his medical treatment, UNWLA Branch 10 is raising funds to facilitate Anton’s living arrangements and daily activities while in the United States. To reach our goal, UNWLA Branch 10 also conducts various fundraising events during the holiday season.

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