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Create your own Prymachenko masterwork while learning about the iconic Ukrainian painter!
Maria Prymachenko was a self-taught, naive folk artist who worked in paintings, embroidery, and ceramics. She was born in Bolotnia, Kyiv Oblast to a peasant family in 1909. She was disabled by polio in childhood, and largely bedridden causing her to lean into Ukrainian folk arts. Maria Prymachenko was inspired by folklore beasts and Polissya style art, intertwined with imagery from her expansive imagination. Maria Prymachenko’s paintings were dually inspired by the political struggles and wartime trauma she experienced.
Dr. Natalka Pavlovsky will walk us through an exploration of the works and life of Maria Prymachenko, and guide participants through painting a replica of one Prymachenko’s works. Supplies, wine, and hors d’oeuvres will be provided.
Natalka Pavlovsky Weismantel is a first-generation Ukrainian-American whose creative life has orbited the twin lights of art and music. She has previously collaborated with the Ukrainian History and Education Center on the Illustrated Carol Project, which centered on a set of her paintings exploring the texts and imagery of Ukrainian folk carols. Since the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, she has found herself painting almost exclusively on Ukrainian themes. An educational Jersey Girl, Dr. Pavlovsky graduated from Rutgers University, then completed her graduate work at Princeton University, earning her Ph.D. in Musicology. She is Professor of Music at Rowan College South Jersey, where she has taught since 2005. In addition to her lifelong passion for painting, Natalka loves to spend time in the kitchen, or outdoors (preferably in a kayak, on a hiking trail, or in water). She and her husband have one adult son.
Admission: $65
AB7E6F54 21D1 4E04 95E5 86CF59B2A1A8 | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America

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