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UNWLA New York Regional Council and WFUWO UN invite you to the evening of talks, Q&A, and meeting of Ukraine’s delegation at the 68th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68). One of the special guests will be Liudmyla Huseinova – former POW (prisoner of war), advocate for Ukrainian women held in russian captivity, and also Communications Director of NGO Sema Ukraine – organization that unites and supports women who survived sexual and gender based violence during the war in Ukraine, organizes assistance for these women, conducts advocacy work and directs efforts to bringing to justice people guilty of such crimes during the war. During the evening: – greet&meet with Ukraine’s delegation – screening of “Sisters! Let’s Act!” Movie – on display: portraits of Ukrainian women political prisoners Light refreshments will be served. The event is free to public but reservation is highly recommended by Wednesday, March 13 – please email [email protected] Event will be held in Ukrainian, English translation will be available.

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