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Please join us at the 91st Commemorative Anniversary of the Holodomor Genocide in Ukraine (1932-1933), a free event dedicated to remembering the millions of lives lost during the horrific man-made famine. Let’s reflect on the past, raise awareness about the atrocities of the Holodomor Genocide, and stand in solidarity with those who continue to fight for truth and justice in today’s genocidal war. Your presence will help keep the memory alive and ensure that such tragedies are never forgotten.
The program will feature:
(1) Presentation “Holodomor Genocide through the Eyes of an Artist” by Lydia Bodnar-Balahutrak, a Houston, Texas-based fine artist whose multifaceted work combines text and image and is influenced by her Ukrainian heritage.
(2) Screening of the film “Holodomor. Chroniclers” (by Suspilne Ukraine and Fresh Production Group), which is the first documentary attempt to tell everything that is important to know about the Holodomor Genocide.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!
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