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Are you all ready to Hike and Honor Father Agapius? Join us for a wonderful day of Hiking, Remembering and sharing a meal sponsored by UACC.
11:15 – Meet at the End of Carden Lane
11:30 – Begin Hike.
12:15 – Panahyda
1:00 – Hike Back to Carden Lane
1:15 – Lunch at JA Lewis Park!
Join us on Saturday, September 28th at 11:15 a.m at Park Ukraina with Father Georgiy of St. Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church and Father Roman of Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church, UNLWA, Ukrainian American Coordinating Council, Ukrainian Heritage Club and Ukrainian School of San Francisco for our Annual Hike & Panahyda.
We’ll hike together to the resting place of Father Agapius Honcharenko where we will have a small memorial service and prayer.
Afterwards, we’ll return to J.A. Lewis Park where we’ll share a Repast BBQ together in his honor. Bring your Family & Friends for this beginning of summer event!

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