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1f1fa 1f1e6 | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America On Saturday, November 2nd, the Ann Arbor Polish Film Festival is proud to present a Ukrainian Program in collaboration with the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America, Ann Arbor Branch. The lineup includes the powerful new Ukrainian feature film “Slovo House: Unfinished Novel” by Taras Tomenko, as well as three impactful Polish films: “The Road to Hell” by Filip Polczak, “Metallic Taste” by Ivan Krupenikov, and “What If the War Ends Tomorrow” by Martyna Wojciechowska.
1f4c5 | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America Date: Saturday, November 2nd
1f4cd | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America Location: Michigan Theater
464443462 964441755710890 5355676349784463779 n | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America
464478017 10221650787257702 9006767937697679575 n | UNWLA - Ukrainian National Womens League of America

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