
Frequently Asked Questions

What does the UNWLA Humanitarian Aid Campaign support?2022-05-06T01:10:49-04:00

The UNWLA team constantly communicates with healthcare providers in Ukraine. Orthopedic External Fixators and Wound Vacs (Vacuum-Assisted Closure Systems) are outlined as the top priority medical equipment. It is vital for the urgent treatment of injured patients. So the UNWLA has focused on purchasing this equipment.

The challenge is the high cost. The UNWLA has started to work with a few companies that manufacture these devices, and we can negotiate a significantly lower price. Currently, we can purchase Orthopedic External Fixators for $1,000.00 per kit; Vacuum-Assisted Closure systems for $3,000.00 per system. However, even with the reduced prices, the volume of requests for this medical equipment is so high that we need your help.

The UNWLA continues to provide additional humanitarian support: food parcels, water, medicine, generators, blankets, first aid, and hygienic kits. Our trusted partners work tirelessly on the ground in Ukraine to deliver supplies to the towns isolated by intense shelling. The UNWLA has also purchased hundreds of IFAK kits and blood transfusion kits for distribution to hospitals in need.

For many years we have been supporting the orphanage in eastern Ukraine, and provided funds to help it evacuate to Germany. Additionally, we send funds directly to military hospitals in Ukraine.

What are my financial responsibilities as a UNWLA member?2022-05-05T23:38:33-04:00

Each Branch sets the amount of member annual dues which includes a subscription to Our Life (Наше Життя), a bilingual magazine published in eight issues. On average, dues are approximately $60.00 per year, payable in January.

Member-at-large annual dues are $58 payable in January and include a subscription to Our Life magazine.

I’m not Ukrainian. Can I join the UNWLA?2020-11-22T00:58:54-05:00

Women of Ukrainian descent or affiliation or who are active in the Ukrainian American community are welcome to join.

What are the benefits of belonging to the UNWLA?2020-11-22T00:59:36-05:00

Membership in the UNWLA affords women the opportunity to:

  • Know and experience their Ukrainian cultural heritage
  • Make a difference for children, families and the elderly
  • Influence social, educational and charitable programs within communities.
  • Foster personal growth and a lifetime of rewarding relationships
How often are branch meetings held?2022-04-05T20:09:41-04:00

Branch meetings are held monthly and may break for the summer months.

What are the membership obligations?2022-04-05T20:19:40-04:00

The duties of members fall into four main categories:

  • Adhere to the UNWLA bylaws
  • As a Branch member participate in Branch activities
  • Pay annual dues and subscribe to Our Life (Наше Життя)
  • Cultivate the Ukrainian cultural heritage and language
I don’t speak Ukrainian. Can I join the UNWLA?2020-11-22T01:01:39-05:00

Speaking Ukrainian is not a requirement for joining the UNWLA. Branch meetings are conducted in Ukrainian or English or both, depending on the makeup of its members.

Can I bring a friend along to a meeting?2020-11-22T01:02:08-05:00

Guests are always welcome to attend Branch meetings.

How do I join?2022-04-05T20:28:31-04:00

If you wish to join as a Member-at-large, complete the MAL application form and submit it along with your payment. You will be contacted by the MAL Liaison with more information.

If you wish to join a Branch, complete the Branch form, and based on the information provided, the appropriate Branch representative will contact you with more specific information. For your information, an interactive map shows the location of our Branches.

How to Set Up a Fundraiser for the UNWLA?

If you are interested in setting up a fundraiser within your community, we have put together a list of frequently asked questions to help you support the UNWLA.

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